Building and supporting a culture of wellness.
Experience support in your wellness journey so you can prosper in your life.
At Uplift Oregon wellness is not limited to any one area, but encompasses healthy habits in areas like physical, mental, financial, and community health. We believe that workplaces are more effective and employees are better off when wellness is a priority. Our wellness workshops will enhance your skills of caring for yourself and others.
We have upcoming trainings in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. These trainings are free and available to any state employee regardless if you have Kaiser Permanente as your provider.

Upcoming Events
February 6: Power of Gratitude
There are many types of gratitude practice you can begin at home and in the workplace. This seminar will help attendees understand the impact of gratitude on their social, emotional, and physical health.
January 16: Building a Resilient Self
We all experience challenges over our lifetime. How we handle this adversity has lasting effects on our overall well-being
Contact us for more information on our Wellness programs
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Uplift Your Benefits
Learn more about our trainings and resources that help you get the most out of your benefits.
Learn more about how our focus on equity helps create trainings and resources that work for every state employee.