July 8: Mental Health Awareness

July 8: Mental Health Awareness

 Mental Health Awareness Friday, July 811:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. Register Join Kaiser Permanente and Uplift Oregon for this informative webinar to better understand mental health, its conditions, and how to promote a stigma-free workplace.  In this session, we will...
June 9: A Simple Approach to a Whole Foods Diet

June 9: A Simple Approach to a Whole Foods Diet

 A Simple Approach to a Whole Foods Diet  Thursday, June 91:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Register The foods we eat impact our mood, energy, and every aspect of our health. Participants will learn the impact of daily food choices on short-term and long-term health. We’ll...
May 12: Caregiving in the Middle

May 12: Caregiving in the Middle

 Caregiving in the Middle: The Sandwich Generation Thursday, May 121:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Register An adult that cares for or provides financial support for both a parent and a child at the same time is a member of the Sandwich Generation. In this webinar you...
April 14: Why Sleep Matters

April 14: Why Sleep Matters

 Why Sleep Matters  Thursday, April 141:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Register Rest prepares the mind and body to deal with life’s everyday challenges. The right amount of shut-eye can reduce stress, and help people feel more productive, healthy, and focused. Participants...

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