A Better Workplace. A Better Oregon.

Quality Training and Resources for State Employees

Through a better workplace for state employees, we enable better lives for all Oregonians.

Uplift Oregon is a labor-management partnership between the State of Oregon, and the unions SEIU 503 and AFSCME Council 75. Through this collaboration, we provide quality training and education in benefits, wellness, and equity. We help employees enrich their lives, make the most of their public service, and foster a work culture that is inspiring, friendly, and supportive.

Together we are making a better workplace and a better Oregon.

Uplift Your Benefits

Make the most of your employee benefits with confidence.


Experience support in your wellness journey so you can prosper in life.


Be part of a welcoming, inclusive workplace.

Upcoming Events

Events are virtual, free, and available to all state employees even if you have a different provider as the topic or presentation.

December 18: A Preview of Your Oregon PERS Benefits

December 18: A Preview of Your Oregon PERS Benefits

This workshop will provide Oregon State workers with a high-level overview of your PERS benefits as you begin your career in public service. It will cover your retirement benefits, how and when you will be able to access those benefits and additional information that may be helpful throughout your career.

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December 5: Building Healthy Boundaries

December 5: Building Healthy Boundaries

Many of us know about the importance of self-care. But the challenge can lie in making room for these practices. We need to develop healthy boundaries with ourselves and with others so that we can prioritize self-care.

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November 7: Motivation for Change

November 7: Motivation for Change

Making a change can make you feel overwhelmed, scared, or fearful of failure. Understanding the process of change and where you are in that process can help make you more successful.

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Quality educational resources, built together

We curate and create the best educational materials through the expertise and collaborative input of all our partners.

Get more than you expect with Uplift

You can put what you learn from our workshops and resources into action immediately.

Centering the program around the employees

Everyone benefits when you are welcomed, supported, and inspired.

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