Events are free and available to all state employees regardless of your carrier.
We encourage you to attend events offered by different carriers. These events and workshops are meant to be a point of enrichment. Topics range from strategies for financial wellness, fitness, mental health resources, and more.
April 3: Why Sleep Matters
Rest prepares the mind and body to deal with life’s everyday challenges. The right amount of sleep can reduce stres and help people feel more productive, healthy, and focused.
March 19: A Preview of Your Oregon PERS Benefits
This workshop will provide Oregon State workers with a high-level overview of your PERS benefits as you begin your career in public service. It will cover your retirement benefits, how and when you will be able to access those benefits and additional information that may be helpful throughout your career.
March 6: A Simple Approach to a Plant Based Lifestyle
The foods we eat impact our mood, energy, and every other aspect of our health. This session provides information on the health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle on short and long-term health.
February 26: Introduction to Oregon Savings Growth Plan (OSGP)
Uplift Oregon is excited to host an introduction to OSGP workshop for state of Oregon employees, focused on how OSGP can help you increase your retirement income, examine the difference between Roth vs. pre-tax options, and the time value of money and investing.
February 6: Power of Gratitude
There are many types of gratitude practice you can begin at home and in the workplace. This seminar will help attendees understand the impact of gratitude on their social, emotional, and physical health.
January 16: Building a Resilient Self
We all experience challenges over our lifetime. How we handle this adversity has lasting effects on our overall well-being